
Staff Training, Parent Training...

I was recently chatting with a parent who was dropping her child off for a mini-camp, and she asked if we ever did trainings open to parents. I'm used to getting all kinds of questions from parents, but this was the first time I'd ever gotten that one, so I asked her to elaborate a little.

She told me that she has been so impressed by our camp staff--they are not only professional and friendly, but are also full of ideas for entertaining and engaging children, and best of all, when they return her kids to her--they are more confident, responsible, and respectful. The reason she decided to send her kids to camp didn't really have much to do with any of that: she was just looking for something to keep the kids busy for a while, but was thrilled to find that camp was so much more. "I had no idea that camp would teach my kids to be more confident... they are great kids, but weren't that confident in themselves.. but after camp, there was a huge change in them" was one of the things she mentioned.

It is always wonderful to hear parents say positive things about their kids experience at camp, but I thought this mom gave us an incredible compliment. Not only did her kids have a great time at camp, she was so impressed by their experience and what they learned, she wants us to share what we know with her!

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